Isaiah 40:31 They that wait upon the Lord will renew their strength, they will mount up with wings as eagles, they will run and not be weary, they will walk and not faint.

Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Today's pictures are from the Nehemiah Vision Ministries children's home. The first is the kitchen facility where their food is cooked. You can see in the background a stove like the one that is in use off the left side of the picture. It burns wood as you can see from the woodpile. I didn't see too many pots and pans, just a couple. If you've ever tried cooking over a wood fire while camping, you know how hard that is. And it's what they do every day there. No gas or electric range. No wall oven. And yet they make good meals for the children and staff.

We were there at mealtime one day and the rest of the pictures are of the children at the home enjoying their meal. They were not distracted by me and my camera!!! They were way to busy eating their lunch!

When you go there to visit, you are swarmed by little hands wanting to hold your hand, be hugged, and paid attention to. Especially if they already know you! Right Mr. Chip!!? Right Miss Stephanie!!!? They are adorable children who just want to be loved. That is a grandma's dream!!!

The children of Haiti are it's future. We need to assist them in any way we can to become educated, well adjusted and Godly adults. We only went for a week, but Haiti stole our hearts. We will be going back in May for a second week. After that, who knows. We may be going back a lot.

Please continue to pray for Haiti. For workers in God's harvest fields. For recovery, rebuilding and growth. For physical and spiritual needs to be met. For strength for it's people. For recovery of their government. For orphans, widows and widowers. For the world not to quickly forget.

Bondye beni ou!
Bon nuit!

Tim and Cindy

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