It is Tuesday and we have been home for 3 days and are back to work. We are still trying to put everything into perspective. We know that this trip has changed our lives. The whole experience is something we are still trying to put words to. We are finding that others in our group are experiencing some of the same feelings. We are happy to be home with our family but have a deep desire to be back in Haiti. The need there physically, emotionally and spiritually is beyond description. We have tried to come up with a way to describe it for people but are unable to.
We know that the Lord would still have us be involved with Haiti but we are unsure of what capacity that is. We are going to work on putting some totes together of needed supplies that can be sent down on the next container that Nehemiah Visison Ministries sends. We are also praying daily for our new friends and family in Haiti and asking the Lord to show us what He would have us do.
Thank you to all of you for following along and supporting us in this journey. We have been humbled by your support in so many different ways. We hope to do a presentation at our church in the next couple of weeks and will make sure we post it on here. We intend to continue to post every couple of days to let you know what we are doing and what new plans there may be. We will also start putting up some pictures. Although we have pictures of the destruction we will probably be posting pictures of the children because that truly is the future and the reconstruction of Haiti. We will try to include a story with the picture so that you get and idea of what we did in Haiti.
Today's picture is the outside of the childrens home in Chambrun. The children's home houses 8 children at this time. 4 boys and 4 girls. The need for separate homes for the children is approaching as they are getting older and they expect to have more children shortly. Keep in mind as we go that most of this work has been done in less than 4 years. God is working in a powerful way.
Tim and Cindy.
Continue to pray for E'Tienne as she is still there and will be making her way home this weekend.
Thanks for the posts. I will be leaaving for PAP in a week as part of a medical team with Global AId Network and your blog, along with others, helps me to prepare for what we will see and do.