Isaiah 40:31 They that wait upon the Lord will renew their strength, they will mount up with wings as eagles, they will run and not be weary, they will walk and not faint.

Saturday, May 22, 2010

Good evening!!

We went to an IDP (internally displaced persons) camp today and had clinic. It was a smaller camp of about 300 people. We saw roughly half of them for varied complaints.

I had one man with an infected perforated eardrum, and a likely case of malaria. We were able to treat the infected ear, but unfortunately didn't have any malaria meds with us. We asked the man to come to the clinic at Chambrun on Monday for malaria meds. It's hard when you are limited in what you can do for people. I had several people who could benefit from a simple surgical procedure that would improve their quality of life, but there isn't a way to handle those cases that I am aware of.

I also saw a little boy for a respiratory infection, but more interesting was the family trait of a 6th finger on each hand. They had no bony structure, but the mother of the child said that most of the family has that trait. I found that to be quite interesting.

We handed out a lot of worm medicine as usual. I have a lot of fun with the men and older ladies. The med cannot be given to a pregnant woman, so I ask the men and older ladies if they are pregnant. This ALWAYS elicits a confused look followed by a HUGE smile or giggle. My interpreter today(Nikki) had as much fun with this as I did!

Speaking of interpreters, all of our interpreters are great. They are intelligent young men and ladies who learn quickly, and ask the questions that need to be asked after only a few patients go through. I think they could almost do the job without us!! If you get distracted by another team member for some reason, they often have completed most of the assessment for you!!

After being in the hot sun, we came back to Pastor Pierre's, and some of us got into the half filled, green tinted water in the pool to cool off. It looks a little funky, but it is cooler than the air and felt really good. We had a little fun making a whirlpool and floating about the pool in a whole 2 feet of water.(The pool had a leak and one of our crew was assigned to patch it. It hasn't been used for a while, and is slowly refilling with the rain and whatever water they can run into it.) I think the rain shower yesterday was slightly more refreshing ( and definately cleaner)!!

We have remained healthy for the most part. Tim had a little episode of hypotension today. Dehydration headaches are an everyday occurance. You sweat standing still, and it's like Niagara Falls when you are up and moving around. It's nearly impossible to keep up with your fluid needs when working at the clinic. We nag each other to remind us all to drink enough water.

Tomorrow is church at Chambrun. No clinic on Sunday. We get to rest. Monday will be our last clinic. Looking forward to seeing what the Lord sends us to treat.

God Bless!!

Cindy (and Tim!!)

Friday, May 21, 2010

Hello from Haiti, this is our second attempt today to blog. We have spent the last couple of hours on the veranda singing and just fellowshiping. It has been raining for about 4 hours. It was so hot today that when it began to rain Cindy sat out in it to try and cool down. It was actually one of the hardest rain storms I have ever see.

We are well and things are going well. It is exciting to see so many new things happening at Chambrun and how quickly they have progressed. It is extremely hot here and we are having to be careful not to be out in the heat to long.

We have noticed some changes from Feb. The people seem to be getting back to some normalcy of life. I sat on the roof early this am and listened to Haiti waking up. It was much different than Feb. There was more noise. When we were here in Feb. everything was so quiet. It was neat this am to here the normal sounds of people and a city waking up. Truck, roosters, children, mom's fixing breakfast.

There is so much new that it is difficult to put it all in one post or even in words. We both feel so much more useful when we are here. Cindy says that I even relax. AMAZING. We are hoping to go to an IDP camp tomorrow, depending on the weather. We are both still searching for what God would have us to do next when it comes to Haiti. Thank you for reading and praying. We hope to be able to share with all of you in person when we return home.

Tim and Cindy

It was another scorching day today. Extremely hot, and that was in the shade!! The guys working out in the sun are wonder men. I really don't know how the do it!! God bless them!

We finished the school children this am, and saw regular clinic patients in the pm. Overall, a good day.

This evening was a reinforcement for the need for tents and shelter for the displaced persons of Haiti. It started raining about 5pm and rained steadily and very hard for 3+ hours. I stood out in the rain for about 10 minutes and for the for a few minutes it felt good. Then it started to hurt, the raindrops were so big and so many. Then I got cold from being wet with the wind blowing. So it is possible to be cold in Haiti! Not frigid cold, but cold none the less. There was also thunder and lightening during the storm, which we all know can be dangerous.

As we drive back and forth to the clinic, we see a little more progress each day. Rebuilding is happening, even if is slowly. It's hard during the rainy season, since the footers fill up with water every time it rains. Once the footers have been poured however the walls can go up quickly.

We hope to be able to go to an IDP camp tomorrow and have clinic there. As always plans are subject to change!

Bon Nuit!!


Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Arrived yesterday,safely, after being awakened at 3AM by the airline cancelling one of our scheduled flights. Half an hour on the phone with the airline and we were rescheduled ith only a 15 minute difference from the original schedule! We ended up connecting with the Indiana group in Miami since we ended up on different flights in Chicago.

Today we went to clinic and cleaned up the area so it was usable and jumped right in. A note on the cleaning....I got the privilege of cleaning several drawers of supplies that had been destroyed by mice and rats. You all know how that smells???!!!!!!!!!!! If not, it's far from a pleasant odor, and it hangs with you for a while!

We were quite pleased to see that a lot of progress is being made in the cleanup effort. Walls and buildings are being repaired, and lots are being cleared of rubble. We got a chuckle out of their "safety cones". They are using large rocks or cinderblock chunks with branches tucked into them to set a safty zone up along the roads where they are working.

Got a blessing reconnecting with some of our former interpreters. Also saw a few patients we had seen the last time we were here.

It was a light clinic day as we were really not planning to see patients today. The plan was to organize and clean for tomorrow. But we know that plans are always subject to change here.
Tomorrows plan is to do school physicals which are long overdue due to the earthquakes. The children are back to school, and their classrooms have changed. The church area as well as a large tent are now being used for classes. The former classrooms are currently being used for storage. The hospital footers are in the process of being built when the weather doesn't interfere. Currently the footers are under water from the rain. Pastor Pierre is concerned that the rebar will be weakened by the resulting rust.

They( Nehemiah Vision Ministries with the aid of Global Aid International) are also in the process of building dormitories and a commercial kitchen to care for the 3 teams of college students expected to arrive in June to work for the summer. The dormitories and kitchen will later be used to house the work teams like ours that come to Chambrun. That will make for some major changes in the future!!
Storage areas are in the works also. A warehouse type building will be constructed from shipping containers as the walls, and roofed over to close in the space. Things are changing, and quickly!!

Lots going on here in Haiti!!

Blessings to all!!
Tim and Cindy

Monday, May 17, 2010

So we are headed back to Haiti tomorrow. This trip has been actually a little more difficult to get ready for because we have had so much time. Seems like things keep getting thrown in our path to discourage us from going. About a month ago we were having some extended family issues and I was really doubting if we should be going back at this time. The Lord had provided the finances, the time and all the details were in place to go. Then He gave me a verse and it is the verse for this trip.
Matthew 6:23 But seek ye first the Kingdom of God and his righteousness: and all these things shall be added unto you.

So, we have to go because it is what he has called us to do. He will take care of rest. It is in His control wether we are here or in Haiti. What an awesome God.

We do have a prayer request. Cindy's cousin was killed in a tractor accident yesterday. Please pray for the family as the funeral will take place while we are away.

Tim and Cindy
Back to Haiti.

Sunday, April 18, 2010

It's been a while since we have been on to blog. Thought it was time to add an update! We are making a return trip to Haiti in May. Our departure date is May 18th. We will need to raise support again, but it should be less expensive this time since there are commercial flights in and out of Port au Prince now. May have to spend a night in Miami or Ft. Lauderdale in order to make connections. We wil be going with a mixed medical/construction team this time. We are looking forward to seeing "old" friends, and making new ones. Also looking forward to seeing how much progress has been made in the last 3 months. Prayers appreciated!!
Tim and Cindy

Saturday, March 13, 2010

Here is a video of why we are going back and the true story and revival of Haiti. The future of Haiti lies in it's children. What more can we say?

Tim and Cindy

Sunday, February 28, 2010


I have to blog on the tent situation in Haiti again. We received a response from Pastor Pierre today as to what we need to present to people in our presentation at our church next weekend. His reply was this. "The raining season seems to be starting early. People are getting wet from under the tarps. We urgently need tents in this city. People are so stressed when the weather look like rain is coming. Please note that we need as many tents as possible." So there you have it in his words. We really need to make an effort to get tents and get them soonest to Haiti.

Use your imagination for a minute. You are living in one of these tarp/sheet "shelters". They work ok for keeping off the sun, but now it's starting to rain. Hard. Every day. Nothing stays dry. Everything is always wet. You have no place to go that is out of the rain. The mosquito population is growing exponentially. People are getting sick from being constantly damp and wet. Life is getting harder. It wasn't easy to begin with. Now what do you do??? You pray for help. And pray some more. You really need a better shelter, but where will you get better shelter when you have nothing?? You are dependant on the benevolence of other people. Will they provide what you need?? When you need it??

We here in the States are blessed beyond description. We don't have to worry about shelter, food or water. If we don't have them, there are programs that will meet our needs, and quite quickly. The relief aid is still going on in Haiti, but the need is greater than the supply.

Please keep the people of Haiti in your prayers. They are a desperately needy people right now. Any little bit you can do will make a big difference to someone there. Remember that 100% of any funds donated to Nehemiah Vision Ministries goes directly to helping people in Haiti. Their staff is all volunteer, and not paid.

I wish I could do more to help in Haiti right now, but this is what I can do. I can pray. I can make needs known. I can pray. I can send what little I can to help make a difference. I can pray some more, because I have a heavenly Father who loves me and loves His children whatever country they may live in, and He hearts my prayers. HE can provide all our needs, but He can also use US to provide for the needs of others, and expects it of us. I know I'm getting preachy here, but I can't help myself.

So, please pray. And please do what you can. Even if it's only letting others know of the need. For those of you who have already donated tents...A thousands thanks!! If anyone else has a tent or tents to donate... let us know. We will figure out how to get them where they need to go to get them to Haiti. My email is

Serving the Savior,
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Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Today's pictures are from the Nehemiah Vision Ministries children's home. The first is the kitchen facility where their food is cooked. You can see in the background a stove like the one that is in use off the left side of the picture. It burns wood as you can see from the woodpile. I didn't see too many pots and pans, just a couple. If you've ever tried cooking over a wood fire while camping, you know how hard that is. And it's what they do every day there. No gas or electric range. No wall oven. And yet they make good meals for the children and staff.

We were there at mealtime one day and the rest of the pictures are of the children at the home enjoying their meal. They were not distracted by me and my camera!!! They were way to busy eating their lunch!

When you go there to visit, you are swarmed by little hands wanting to hold your hand, be hugged, and paid attention to. Especially if they already know you! Right Mr. Chip!!? Right Miss Stephanie!!!? They are adorable children who just want to be loved. That is a grandma's dream!!!

The children of Haiti are it's future. We need to assist them in any way we can to become educated, well adjusted and Godly adults. We only went for a week, but Haiti stole our hearts. We will be going back in May for a second week. After that, who knows. We may be going back a lot.

Please continue to pray for Haiti. For workers in God's harvest fields. For recovery, rebuilding and growth. For physical and spiritual needs to be met. For strength for it's people. For recovery of their government. For orphans, widows and widowers. For the world not to quickly forget.

Bondye beni ou!
Bon nuit!

Tim and Cindy

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Sunday, February 21, 2010

Tonight Tim and I had the privilege of presenting our Haiti experiences to the MAPS Kids group at our church. Our littlest prayer warriors have been praying for us and the people of Haiti since they learned we were going. They are great prayer warriors too! Everything they prayed for happened or didn't happen as the case may be. They were very interested in the tent village and how those people are living right now. We set up a quick model of how the Hatian people are rigging up shelter any way they can. They all had to get in and try lying down to see how many could fit. They discovered it wasn't very comfortable either. They also decided it won't keep you dry if it rains! They will now pray for tents for Haiti, the people in Chambrun, and for Mr and Mrs Peterson to go back to Haiti. And as we said before their prayers are effective!

We also taught them a worship chorus in Creole, "How Great is Our God". Bondye-m non se gran!! Our God is great!!!

We have had computer issues the last couple of days, so had to go to plan B for the presentation tonight. Hopefully we can make the presentation for the adults in 2 weeks under plan A. We did learn in Haiti to be prepared to possibly need to use plan C, D, E or even plan F!!!

We wonder how many future missionaries we addressed tonight in our little group. They are learning about their spiritual gifts lately, and several have the potential to be missions oriented. We never dreamed we would be there, yet here we are doing short term mission trips!

Praying for the whole world to hear,
Tim and Cindy
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Saturday, February 20, 2010

Transportation in Haiti is widely varied, and depends on a lot of factors. Where are you going? Long distance or short distance? How many are going? One or two or twenty? How much can you spend to get where you want to go? And a bunch of other considerations.

The upper photograph is of Haitian taxi's or "tap-taps". To use the tap-tap you get in when it's stopped(hopefully), and when you need to get out at your destination you tap on the vehicle(loudly) to be let off. Thus the name. Payment is made on exiting the vehicle. We never did find out the rate, but it can't be much because there are a lot of them around, and a lot of people using them!

The second picture is a typical delivery type truck. Brightly painted as many vehicles are in Haiti. (It reminded us a lot of the vehicles we saw in India.) They seemed to deliver whatever they could manage to fit in them. There were also the usual 10 wheel construction type trucks as well as semi's. We had a couple of interesting encounters with semi's on the back dirt roads that were barely wide enough for the bus we were on!! Let's just say traffic jam and leave it there!

The third picture is of one the Nehemiah Vision Ministries small trucks. It is used to transport all kinds of things, including people as you can see. Here is a Haitian joke...How many Haitians can you fit in a truck????? Answer.......always one more!!!! And boy do they! Every lap holds at least two others. No space is left unused as long as there is someone who needs a ride. They are a very friendly people! Riding in the back of the pickup is dusty however!

The last photo is of course the mode of transportation that has been around the longest. A trusty burro, or horse with a wooden saddle and panniers. They carry people, loads of wood, produce, charcoal, whatever needs to be transported. Obviously they don't go very long distances, but are used in the rural areas a lot. The "parking lot" at Chambrun always had several on clinic days.

There were also the usual bicycles, motorcycles, and automobiles going the longer distances, carrying the smaller loads and fewer people of course. We saw several injuries caused by people falling off the back of the motorcycles. There were helmets in use by some, but not all riding the motorcycles.

There were also helicopters and airplanes of several sizes at the airport. They were flying over all day long going about the tasks they were needed for. We used the helicoptor transport several times to get emergency cases to hospital.

Until the next entry,
Tim and Cindy

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Thursday, February 18, 2010

Many of you have asked about the destruction in Port Au Prince. We have decided to share a few pictures from there tonight. These pictures are of the Palace. It is equivalent to our White House. As you can see it is destroyed with the center collapsing in. The building lacked adequate internal structural support. I think we can draw a parallel between the palace and our own lives. We often build our lives on what is beautiful and pretty to look at. Real beauty is not what is on the outside, but what is on the inside. Do we have adequate structural support? Haiti is the same way. The beautiful buildings may be gone, but the beauty of the Haitian people and their resolve is what will build it up again.

It is also a time for the rebuilding of Haiti spiritually. While there, we witnessed people praising and worshipping God in ways that we had never experienced before. In the midst of death and destruction they were praising the God who not only created everything but also rules and reigns over it. God can make beauty from ashes, and in the case of Haiti, from dust and rubble.

We have not talked a lot about the destruction in Haiti since we returned. There is a reason for that. We believe that the story of Haiti is not in the destruction but in the children and people who will rebuild. We are continually humbled by the Haitian people and their pride and determination. We believe that God can make something beautiful of not only their lives, but their country.

Seeking Him,
Tim and Cindy
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Wednesday, February 17, 2010

It is said that beauty lies in the eye of the beholder. I think that is a very true statement, but sometimes you have to look for the beauty.
Flowers are beautiful. You really don't have to look too hard to see it .That third picture... just a donkey and a bunch of dirt, right? Even the bottom picture is beautiful if you look for it. I want to challenge you to look for the beauty in EVERY picture. If you look hard enough, you will find SOMETHING of beauty. You might have to look REALLY hard in some of them, but if you look hard enough, it is there; somewhere. It may be only the curve of a rock, the shape of a leaf, or a part of the architecture of a building. That bottom picture.. bring your focus up a little, block out the dirt, and now what do you see?? You have to look. Hard. A flash of color? The curve of a wing? The promise of help and hope?? There is something there. You just have to look. (Still not seeing it? It's OK, just keep trying!)

God looks at us that way too. We may not see the beauty in ourselves or others, but it is there. God sees it. You see, it's all in the way we look at things. Are we looking through eyes of love or eyes of hatred, bitterness, envy, self centeredness or a multitude of other possibilities. Filter what you see through God's eyes, and then see what you will see.

Take a few minutes to look through those pictures again , only this time look for something good or beautiful in each one.
I think you will be surprised to see what is there if you take a minute to look for it.

My pictures don't always capture what I was trying for, but they always capture something. I just have to look for it. Something I've learned over the last few years.

I'll get back to the stories tomorrow. And I hope you look at the pictures with new eyes. See the awful stuff, but also look for the good stuff. In every picture.

In Christ alone I stand redeemed.
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Monday, February 15, 2010

We found this picture to be very interesting. It is a sculpture in Port Au Prince that depicts Haiti holding up the world. Today the world is holding up and supporting Haiti. It is going to take a huge effort by many different countries to assist Haiti in rebuilding. We were struck by the pride and resiliency of the Haitian people. They want to not only rebuild their country but to make it better. It struck both of us that Haiti is really so close to the US but yet we had never really been aware of the country or its struggles. It is a beautiful country with beautiful people and we were once again reminded that God has created all of us. I heard a comment on the radio today that without unity there is no community. How true this is. Without unity in Haiti it will be hard to recreate a community. We believe as does Nehemiah Vision Ministries that the unity and true community come from a belief and relationship with Jesus Christ. Our group in Haiti consisted of Christians from several different churches but yet we worked in unity because of our one belief in Jesus Christ as our Saviour.

We received and update today from the team that is currently on the ground in Haiti. They have been spending alot of time in the IDP camps. Some of these now number over 5000 people per camp. In one tent they found a lady laying on the ground who had been paralized from the neck down since the quake and had recieved no medical care. There are still thousands of people who were injured who have not yet received proper medical care. The group is also taking the time to pray with each patient and to share the love of Christ as they have opportunity. They closed out the e-mail with the following quote which really summarizes how we felt about our time in Haiti and is the reason we are going back. " We are not just treating wounds, we are also treating traumatized minds and broken hearts."

Our desire is to be in Haiti. Nothing has ever affected us the way the people of Haiti have. We are waiting for the Lord's leading.

Tim and Cindy
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Sunday, February 14, 2010

Todays pictures are of housing in the village of Chambrun. The top and middle pictures show a mud hut under construction and a sample of the finished product. As you can see they are not substantial. They serve only as shelter from the elements, and a private, "secure" area for people to sleep and store what few posessions they may have. They have not changed substantially in form in centuries, other than having tin roofs rather than whatever they would have used before. The mud falls off during rainy season, and has to be replaced regularly. The rain water runs through the "floors" during rainy season, leaving mud behind.

The bottom picture is of a sample house that Nehemiah Vision Ministries is building for a handicapped woman in Chambrun. Her name is Murtha. Murtha has what most medical persons agree is probably MS. She is unable to take care of herself and her 3 little girls. She depends on her mother-in-law for most of her care. Before her house was started, she was living on a mat on the ground in a mud hut as described above. She could not get herself out of the mud when it rained. NVM has provided her with a raised bed to get her out of the mud while they are building her house. The house consists of 2 rooms, is made of concrete blocks, with a ramp to accomodate Murtha's wheelchair. The cost to put it up is about $4,000. NVM is considering a program to build more of these in Chambrun to help others get out of the mud huts. There are other concrete homes in Chambrum, built by the more "wealthy" inhabitants.

Similar to the Bible parable of the wise man building on the rock and not the sand!! Rains come and wash away the mud, but the concrete remains. Obvioiusly the concrete house also survived the earthquake. We need to build our foundations on Christ to withstand the "earthquakes " in our lives.

Bondye beni ou!
(God bless you)

Tim and Cindy

PS : E'Tienne is home safely. Feeling better, but still not 100%.

PSS: If you are wanting to donate a tent please e-mail us to arrange for pick up or drop off.
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Saturday, February 13, 2010

Hello again. Well we have been home for 1 week and still miss Haiti. We had the opportunity to do a follow up interview with WETM news this afternoon. We really felt very inadequate trying to explain the situation and the people there. Hopefully God can use it to get the word out even thru our inadequacies. We also did a follow up interview on FLN yesterday. They have been great about keeping us and the entire team in prayer and keeping people updated.

The pictures today are of one of the tent villages. The top picture was taken on Monday and the bottom picture was taken on Thursday. You can see how much it grew in 4 days. We have seen follow up pictures that it show it even larger. As you can see they really aren't tents but whatever material they can scrape together to use as cover. It is the reason that we are trying to come up with tents to send down. Many people don't even have anything to use as a tent. To our camping friends out there just imagine living rustic for more than a weekend and without the thought of a hot shower to go home to. There are no toilets, no outhouses, nor running water. No playground and definetly no swimming pool yet. Unfortunately this tent city is in the flood plain and could very well be under water during the rainy season. So SEND THOSE TENTS PLEASE.

We have not heard for sure but E'Tienne should have had a flight home today. Also we recieved an e-mail from the team there currently that someone had reported that the NVM people were starving and not getting enough to eat. We want to assure everyone that the teams are being well cared for by Pastor Pierre and his staff. His primary focus is always the health and well being of those who are coming to help. The food is not fancy nor maybe the portions that we would eat here in the states but it is very tasty and more than sufficient. Could be that manyAmericans are over weight. HMMMMM.

We have several speaking engagements coming up in the next couple of weeks. As the dates firm up we will list them here. Please pray that we are able to communicate accurately what we have seen and what God is doing and will continue to do in Haiti. We are currently trying to learn a few Creole words a day.

Mesi (Thank you )

Tim and Cindy.
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Friday, February 12, 2010

This is a picture of the house behind Pastor Pierre's house. It is basically reduced to a pile of rubble with a broken roof over it. It's former occupants now live in their yard under a tarp. You see sights like this all over the area around PAP. The cause of collapse other than the earthquake?? Poor quality building materials and poor construction techniques. The people buy what they can afford, and build with the techniques they know.
There are no building codes or inspections that we know of.
What an opportunity to teach quality construction methods!! Although the people will still not be able to afford quality products.
It makes me think of how we live our lives. Are we living for the Lord, solidly built on His foundations as quality believers? Or do we scrimp on the quality, building to our own specifications??
I long to be able to do more for the Haitian people. I believe that rebuilding Haiti needs to include a lot of education, and Pastor Pierre's model is a perfect example of how to meet the people where they are. Meet the physical needs, then work on their spiritual needs, and then send them out to their own people to continue the process.
In regards to the tents and supplies we are collecting you can reach us here or send us an email. Thanks again for following along.
Also Tim talked with E'Tienne this evening. She is in Atlanta and hopes to fly home tomorrow. She is feeling better but is still weak and tired. Please continue to pray for her.
Tim and Cindy

Thursday, February 11, 2010

This is a photo of a one day old baby girl who was brought to the clinic to be seen by the doctors. She was born with severely clubbed feet, which if left untreated would cause her to be
disabled later in life. We were all happy to see her brought in at this time as it is relatively easy to correct the clubbing with casts at this stage of life. As the photo shows one of our pediatricians casted her feet that same day. She slept through most of the procedure. She was brought back for a cast change the last day we were there. There was already significant improvement in the positioning of her feet! Today we got an update from Haiti that her mom brought her back yesterday for another cast change, and the improvement is even better. She was recasted in the next position by another doctor and will return again in a week for another check. God's timing is so good!! This little one will most likely be able to walk as a result of the prompt attention she got for her birth problem. I can't wait to see how she does later on.
On a sadder note, the same update mentioned a woman who came in stating she was 5 YEARS pregnant. The doctors could feel what they thought was an infant head, so they did a pregnancy test which was negative. A portable ultrasound was delivered when we were in Haiti, so they used that to see if they could find a fetal heartbeat or get a picture. Nothing showed there either. So now they are thinking that the woman had a miscarriage 5 years ago, but didn't pass the fetus and it calcified in her uterus, or that she has a large tumor. Either way they were unable to help her at the clinic and will have to refer her to a hospital for further treatment.
We received word from Nehemiah Vision Ministries that they are collecting new and gently used tents to send to Haiti. There are so many makeshift shelters in Haiti, and the rainy season is rapidly approaching. If you want to contribute to this collection, contact us. If we get a significant amount of tents collected in this area, Tim and I will be sure to get them transported to Indiana to go on the next container shipment. We are also, on our own collecting new or gently used socks, underwear, T-shirts and summerweight children's clothing, toothpaste, children's and infants vitamins (bulk packs are great, they divide them up there!).
We are not locked in yet, but we are looking at and praying about a return trip in May. We were asked just today if we would go back then. We are willing if that is what God wants us to do. We will also be happy just staying home and advocating for NVM and our newfound Hatian family.
Thanks for all of your continued prayers and support. We are blessed by your blessings!! We think we may need to study Kreyole seriously!!
In His grip!
Tim and Cindy
PS Please keep E'Tienne and 2 others in your prayers tomorrow as they will be flying to the DR and then on to Atlanta to connect to their home flights. Thanks!

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

In this picture with Tim is our new son Moreau. As usual Tim abbreviated his name the first day to Mo. After that he told everyone that his name was Mo. Mo was a Sr. in college at the time of the earthquake. He would have graduated in May with a degree in linguistics. However the college was destroyed along with all of his records. Mo speaks 4 different languages and all of them very fluently. He gave us a book to help us learn Kreyole before we left.
Mo was traveling in a car in Port Au Prince when the earthquake occured. A large building came down on the car and killed his friends that were in the car with him. He believes that God saved him for a special purpose and we would have to agree. Mo has no place to live and is living on the streets and seeking shelter where ever he can. He is buying food with the money that he is making as a translator. Please pray for Mo as he would like to come to the states and finish his studies. Also that he might be kept safe and find a place to live.
We are doing ok. Still trying to adjust. Our lives here seem so trivial compared to the things that we have experienced and seen in Haiti. Please continue to pray as we adjust and seek God's leading.
Tim and Cindy

Tuesday, February 9, 2010

It is Tuesday and we have been home for 3 days and are back to work. We are still trying to put everything into perspective. We know that this trip has changed our lives. The whole experience is something we are still trying to put words to. We are finding that others in our group are experiencing some of the same feelings. We are happy to be home with our family but have a deep desire to be back in Haiti. The need there physically, emotionally and spiritually is beyond description. We have tried to come up with a way to describe it for people but are unable to.

We know that the Lord would still have us be involved with Haiti but we are unsure of what capacity that is. We are going to work on putting some totes together of needed supplies that can be sent down on the next container that Nehemiah Visison Ministries sends. We are also praying daily for our new friends and family in Haiti and asking the Lord to show us what He would have us do.

Thank you to all of you for following along and supporting us in this journey. We have been humbled by your support in so many different ways. We hope to do a presentation at our church in the next couple of weeks and will make sure we post it on here. We intend to continue to post every couple of days to let you know what we are doing and what new plans there may be. We will also start putting up some pictures. Although we have pictures of the destruction we will probably be posting pictures of the children because that truly is the future and the reconstruction of Haiti. We will try to include a story with the picture so that you get and idea of what we did in Haiti.
Today's picture is the outside of the childrens home in Chambrun. The children's home houses 8 children at this time. 4 boys and 4 girls. The need for separate homes for the children is approaching as they are getting older and they expect to have more children shortly. Keep in mind as we go that most of this work has been done in less than 4 years. God is working in a powerful way.
Tim and Cindy.
Continue to pray for E'Tienne as she is still there and will be making her way home this weekend.

Saturday, February 6, 2010

HOME!!!!!! We are happy to be home but missing Haiti. We are very tired and are headed to bed. We know that you are all anxious for more details. We need a day to rest and try and put into words what we have seen and experienced and where it all goes from here. Thank you for your prayers and encouragement.

A very tired but happy Tim and Cindy

Thursday, February 4, 2010

So it looks like this is our last post from Haiti. We hope to fly from here to the Dominican Republic sometime tomorrow and then make our way home over the weekend.

Today was the last day in the clinic. I had to call the helicopter in to fly a lady out who needed leg amputation. They were actually talking of doing it in the clinic in order to save her life but we were afraid she would not survive without follow up and we were short some of the tools we needed. It would have been like operating in a MASH set up but in alot worse conditions. It was a challenge to get the helicopter and it made me appreciate the red phone at the hospital that we just pick up and they come.

This afternoon we went into downtown Port Au Prince. I can't even begin to describe the destruction. Just take what you have seen on TV and multiply it farther than you can imagine. Where they will even begin to clean up yet alone start over is difficult to figure. The number of buried dead and unaccounted for has to be in thousands. The thing that struck me was the pride that the Haitian people that we had with us still had in their country. They have lost all but still have a hope and a determination to rebuild. We are not talking a few days or years to rebuild but probably decades. There is no place to even clear the rubble let alone to rebuild.

While sitting on the roof tonight enjoying the quiet we could hear a man give a very deep and long belly laugh. In the midst of living in absolute destruction he could still laugh.

Our verse for this trip was Isaiah 40:31 " he will lift you up as on eagle wings" We have really needed that this trip and especially today. We are both tired and a little down today but we know that we have been here to do the work that God called us to do.

If we don't post tomorrow we will make sure we do when we get home. We know that you all have many questions but I think it will take us sometime to process to all of

Wednesday, February 3, 2010

9ood evening all!

We had a very hot and steamy day today. Not sure what the temps got up to, just know it's HOT! We worked at the clinic again today. We are seeing a lot of the same stuff as before. Also see a lot of kids with intestinal paracites, ringworm, scabies, etc. A lot of malnutrition, some chronic and some as a result of the earthquake. Many of the children have respiratory infections. Adults have many of the same complaints, along
with complaints specific to adults. The mobile bus saw more of the same, along with a coupleof fractures which they casted.

We had one case today of a little boy who had his finger crushed in a water pump last Friday. He was brought in by his mom today. We have a trauma orthopedic surgeon on the team with us, and he operated on the boys finger at the clinic this afternoon. The boy had to have the end of his finger amputated under local anesthetic. He was VERY brave and didn't cry until Cindy had to give him a shot of antibiotic in his little tushy when we were all done! He will come back next week to see the next team's doctor for a recheck and a dressing change.

We have had a lot of new people coming in to stay at Pastor Pierre's home. We are crowded, but all are getting along well. Everyone here sees the vision and is doing all that they can to make it move forward. One of the nurses that comes here regularly had a vision of building a hospital in Chambrun area under Nehemiah Vision. They found out this week that there is a person/persons who are going to fund that project in the next year. These people really need that out there. There is so much that goes untreated for lack of facilities.

The Hatian food that we have had is awesome!! Very flavorful, and not to spicy. And no curry, which makes Tim very happy. We did get a change from beans and rice tonight... we had spaghetti!! We eat PB&J on tortillas or crackers for lunch most days so far. We are getting a variety for breakfast. Today was hard boiled eggs and bananas and oranges.

The recovery of Haiti is now beyond the trauma stage and it's now in rebuilding stage and survival mode as they work to recover. Please pray for healing of the people and their country.

We are tired, but it's a good tired. We are not doing really exciting work for the most part, but work that will have long term rewards as people find out about Nehemiah Vision Ministries and what they are doing for the people of Haiti.

Blessings to you all,
Tim and Cindy
Bon Jour!
Sorry to miss posting last night. The internet was in and out, we are sharing computers, and when it finally came back up Tim and I had already retired for the night. We all are well, although Tim is getting a sinus infection from all the dust. Please pray about that today.

We are serving a lot of people. At this time we are not seeing much "exciting" stuff medically, but the ongoing ailments of a country in shock. Pray for the people of Haiti. They are all afraid, anxious, and in need of comfort. Pray the comfort of God for those who belive already, and for the salvation of those who do not. This is a country rebuilding from the bottom up, and this is a perfect time for God to work here.

Have to leave for the clinic now. Will try to post more detailed info later.

God's Blessings on you all,
Tim, Cindy and E"tienne

Monday, February 1, 2010

Hi, an extremely busy day. Cindy did triage all day and Tim spent the day organizing and just trying to keep things moving. E'Tienne spent the day assisting the Dr.s in the treatment rooms. The extra team we had today is leaving but we gained another 8 today. We are finding that God has a different plan for us than what we thought. Someone said today that if you want to make God laugh tell him what you think his plan is. We are learning to be FAT. Flexibel, Available and Trainable. There is so much we could tell you about Chambrun and the children and people there but we both are still trying to digest all of it.

As we travelled out today we saw extremely long food lines and alot more military presence. We are safe. We did have one team at the clinic today and another out in the field. We will probably be staying at the clinic as we feel like that is where God is really drawing us. I feel like I could go on for several pages but we really need to get some supper.l

Thank you all so much. We feel like you are all here with us. If our kids are on we will try and facebook around 8.

Love all of you,
Tim; Cindy, and E'Tienne

PS. Kimi I think I know how you feel about India.

Sunday, January 31, 2010

Where do we begin. We got a very good nights rest last night. We spent this morning worshipping in church with the Haitian people. They had very little and now in some circumstances have nothing yet they are praising the Lord! How often do we have a minor inconvience and grumble. Makes you really put life into a new perspective. We can't begin to describe all of it to you but are taking many pictures. Pastor Pierre took his message from Psalm 46 this morning. It was very appropriate. We then toured a village and saw the childrens home.

We had another group join us today whose plans had fallen apart with another organization. One of the PA's with them use to work at Stoney Brook Pediatrics in Dansville. It is a small world. Several other people were from the Rochester area. They will be working with us for the next several days.

We will be splitting the group up tomorrow with some working in the clinic and others taking the bus to a refugee camp. Cindy and I will be going on the bus. The 82nd airborne is suppose to join us for safety. Although we have had no real issues we all feel it is better to be preventive and they have been very positive about accompaning us. We are also getting more supplies in and they have helped on the tarmack as well.

At this time it looks like we are going to have to go back out thru the DR on Sat. Because of that we will not be able to book flights until we get there. We are expecting it will be late on Sunday before we arrive home. No sense in worrying about it because the Lord knows and already has it laid out.

The longer we are here we are awed by the Haitian people and the work that Nehemiah Vision Ministries has done in just a short time.

Please continue to pray. We both feel well and although food is in short supply the Lord continues to provide.

To those in E'Tienne's family reading this she is doing well. However, I think you have lost her heart to Haiti.

Tim, Cindy and E'Tienne

Saturday, January 30, 2010

Tired greetings from Haiti. We traveled overnight by bus,(very difficult to sleep on a bouncing bus!), and arrived at Pastor Pierre's at about 7am. We had a start up meeting, got to wash up and change clothes, had a light breakfast, and then went to Chambrun to set up for clinic. We ended up having a half day clinic at the same time we were setting up. Estimate that they saw around 250 people in that time. A lot of stomach ailments, anxiety, sick and malnourished babies, along with some minor things that were basic treatment with Tylenol and vitamins. Tim worked triage and Cindy worked at organizing the pharmacy area sorting meds and supplies. E'Tienne did wound care and worked in an exam room with one of the doctors.

We are obviously back at Pastor Pierre's resting and waiting for suppertime. We are not near any of the really malodorous areas, thank God. We have had a nice breeze all day which has made the heat bearable. Haiti is in a bit of a drought at the moment which is a mixed blessing. They could use the water, but the people sleeping out in the open are glad it isn't raining. Many people who still have houses will not sleep in them because they are afraid. The ones who have lost their homes have no choice. Tent cities are cropping up all over, and they are bulldozing areas to set up new camps and move people out of the city.

The wells at the Nehemiah Vision compounds were recently tested, and all passed. The people have clean water there, but other areas are still questionable. There are a lot of buildings that are totally destroyed, and yet a lot of buildings are sound and standing. Many have minor cracks and repairable damage. Estimates are that it will take several years to rebuild the city of Port au Prince, but you see rebuilding already started.

Pastor Pierre said that there are about 300-400 thousand dead, and probably much more than that because people just bury their dead and don't report the deaths to the government. Outbreaks of disease are picking up, including measles and chickenpox.

Keep praying for health, and return travel. Apparently that can be a problem still.

In Christ we find rest.
Tim and Cindy
They have officially made it into Haiti. I received a text from a friend this morning telling me to get on my skype so that mom and dad could chat with me. I quote from them, "no worries, we made it here safely, no worries!" I think they think I worry!! (I wonder who I get that from!) Anyways, they are an hour ahead of us as far as the time change goes. They will be going in today and setting up clinic. Mom said that it shouldn't be too long of a day for them. Please continue to lift them up in your prayers.

Praying without ceasing,
Melissa Edwards

Friday, January 29, 2010

They have made it to Santo Domingo! No problems so far. They have the totes and have met the rest of the group. Now it's the long bus ride into Haiti for them now. I can't thank you all enough for all of your prayers and support for my parents and E'Tienne. This is all I have for an update for now. Hope you all have a wonderful weekend.

Praise the Lord!!!!! Just received a phone call from my parents stating that all 6 totes made it onto the plane at the JFK airport. Prayers have been answered. Thank you all so much for your continued prayer in the tote situation. Please continue to keep them in your prayers as they continue on their journey.

Melissa Edwards
Tim & Cindy's daughter
Well we made it to JFK. Quite a bit of turbulance on the first leg. E'Tienne has motion sickness, and Tim isn't far behind. I'm fine ......I like rollercoasters! Waiting for the next flight time which is 10:45. The totes made it on in Rochester, but they didn't reassure us that they would make it past JFK. They totes are marked "Haiti relief" and we are praying that will help. Apparently plastic totes are considered "boxes" in the Dominican Republic, and they don't allow boxes.

Will post again when we can! Please keep praying for the totes to clear!!

Thanks and God bless.


Thursday, January 28, 2010

So day zero is here. Totes are packed. Bills are paid. Good byes are said and instructions have been given. Now time to finish a few last minute details and try and get a few hours sleep before we leave for Rochester at 4am. Praying that the lake effect stops by morning so we can get out. For those who were concerned Tom and Missy are taking us to the airport. WETM was here and did a tv interview which should air on either the 10 or 11 news tonight.

There is alot of concern over our safety and return. We realize the dangers associated with this trip BUT also rest in the knowledge that we are in the Lord's hands. We don't say that lightly but with a true conviction. The purpose of this trip is to show the love of Christ to the Haitian people thru our willingness to come and serve them where they are. We are safer in Haiti doing what God desires for us rather than home out side of His will. We do appreciate your prayers for safety.

We are expecting to see some horrible things but also are looking forward to some great miracles and are expecting God to do great things. We had an e-mail from people in Haiti today who helped to deliver 3 babies on Wednesday. In the midst of all that death and destruction there is still new life and little lives that need to be cared for.

Thank you for all of your prayer and support. Lord willing the next post will be from Haiti.

Tim and Cindy. E'Tienne is ready to go to.

Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Well, the fun has begun in earnest. We did a news interview with WENY this afternoon that will air at 11pm tonight.(WE are not staying up to watch it! If you catch it let us know what they aired.) We have been frantically packing and repacking totes( we decided to go with them and let God get them through!) Still have to pack our carry on bags, which we hope will hold all of our clothing,bedding and personal items that don't have to be checked.

Tommorrow we have another news interview with WETM at 7pm. We have decided to stay at home tomorrow night and leave for the airport at 4am Friday. One more night in our own bed!
We were also contacted by a reporter for The Courier and The Leader wanting an interview. We were not able to accomodate her , but gave her permission to use information from our blog to write her article. You will have to let us know if she was accurate in her article!! :)

Work schedules are heavy tomorrow, so keep us in prayer for smooth days. It will be a late day for Cindy. And Tim has a million errands to take care of in addition to work.
Blessings to all.
Tim and Cindy

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Less than 72 hours we should be in the Dominican Republic and yet so much to do. Tim is making lists in his head and Cindy is telling him it will all get done. We have been truly blessed the last couple of days both financially and with donations for things for us to take. A local medical supply store donated surgical dressings today that are valued at several 1000 dollars. We also found out this evening that we will be doing a TV interview with WETM news tomorrow evening. Our goal is that this draws attention to the people of Haiti and the outreach and mission of Nehemiah Vision Ministries.

Our plan at this time is to leave Thursday after work and spend the evening in Rochester. We need to be to the airport by 5:30 Friday morning. We would ask you to pray about our luggage. Tim spent alot of time on the phone today trying to get clarification on how much we could take and if there were exceptions because it is a medical mission. Everyone responded that they would make the exception but couldn't promise that the individuals who check us in on Friday would. We have decided that God has provided the supplies so He will make a way to get them there.

A special thanks to the guys at FLN who are doing a great job of keeping people informed of what we are doing. We know there are many people praying for us as we prepare and then as we go. A couple of specific request would be luggage. Also Tim is battling a sinus cold. Please pray for our family while we are away as it will be difficult for them. Also that God will be preparing us physically, emotionally and most of all spiritually for the work he has for us.

Thank you to all of you for your support. Tomorrow will be busy with finally packing, cleaning, paying of bills (yuck) and making sure everything is ready for a Thursday departure.

Tim and Cindy

Monday, January 25, 2010

We have collected a lot of casting supplies, gloves, hand sanitizer and some odds and ends so far. More coming in tomorrow. Some concern about the weight of the accumulated casting supplies. The materials are mostly plaster which is of course heavier than the new fiberglass stuff, but we will take what God provides.
Bandaging materials are promised for tomorrow, and will be considerably lighter, and can fill nooks and crannies in the heavier bags.
Packing will be interesting and more than a little creative!

We continue to be blessed by God's generous people. Thank you for praying!! Keep them coming!

Tim and Cindy

Sunday, January 24, 2010

We are overwhelmed and humbled by the outpouring of support we are receiving. God is blessing in all aspects. We are steadily increasing the funds we will be taking with us (remember everything over and above our immediate needs is going to be left to continue the relief work after we return). We have been thoroughly bathed in prayer today. Please KEEP praying. We were also blessed by the MAPS KIDS ( a missions oriented youth program at our church) with wordless bracelets to take with us to minister to children in Haiti for them. We are surrounded by caring, praying men women AND children.

We are still waiting for finalized lists of needed supplies, but have a good idea of what is needed if the actual list fails to appear.

We did find out that we no longer have a strict 50 pound weight limit. We can now take 100 pounds each plus our carry on luggage. There is a size limit however, on baggage going into Santo Domingo that we will probably have to abide by. We do plan to call the baggage handlers at JFK tomorrow to see if there is any chance of leniency on those restrictions at present. It can't hurt to try.

We have our prescriptions for the antimalarials and preventive antibiotics and will be filling them in the next 2 days. Some of the meds have to be ordered in as they aren't commonly prescribed around here. :)

The whirlwind really begins tomorrow as we try to keep up with work schedules and still stay on top of trip preparations. Pray for clarity in thinking of all the minute details we need to remember and take care of in the next 4 days. Friday will be here quickly.

E'Tienne's week is as crazy as ours with work and packing etc. Keep her in your prayers also.

God is in control, and we rest in Him.
Tim and Cindy

Saturday, January 23, 2010

WOW. Can you say fast and overwhelming. The last 6 hours have been a rush of activity. E'Tienne is ok and did make it here. Our flights are booked. We leave Rochester on Jan. 29th at 7 am and arrive in the Dominican Republic at 4pm. We then will take a bus at 1am into Haiti. We still need an orthopedic MD if anyone knows of one just sitting around. We all have a very busy week ahead and need to really prioritize in order to get to Rochester Thursday evening. Both Tim and Cindy are going to have to try and make some arrangements to get Friday off from work. We are still working on what we need and can take as far as supplies and hope to have some more concrete answers tonight. We are going to take some time tonight and go to dinner and relax a little before the craziness begins so the next update will probably be tomorrow.
Tim, Cindy, and E'Tienne
One quick prayer request. Please pray specifically for E'Tienne today. She had an accident with her car on her way to our house today to make flight arrangements. Satan is working today to discourage and delay. We will post more later.
OK WE ARE GOING!!!!!!!! Team 1 arrived safely. We are flying out of Rochester on Friday to JFK then directly to Santo Domingo. We will be there about 9 hours then will be leaving on a bus at 1am for Haiti. Wow we got and overnight train ride in India and now an overnight bus ride in Haiti. It looks like we are going to be able to take extra luggage which means we can take supplies. We hope to have a list soon of what we can take. We are amazed at the people who heard us on the radio yesterday and are contacting us. We are both a little dazed at the moment and trying to get things organized. I am sure we will post more info later today.
Tim, Cindy and E'Tienne
Just recieved word that Team 1 is in Port a Prince safely. Hope to have more details later. We are very excited to find out that people from other states are reading this and following us as well. If you don't mind could you put yourself down as a follower so we have at least some idea of who is reading this. It really is an encouragement.

Tim and Cindy
New Info. Several of you have asked about transfering flights or miles to us. If You have Delta Sky miles they can be transfered to us as we both have Delta Sky miles accounts. They also give us 50% more if you do this. If interested let us know.
A quick update about Team 1. Apparently they had some travel difficulties getting into the Dominacin Republic but are all there now and should almost be into Haiti. The did get charged $800.00 for two totes of supplies they were taking in. We are still waiting.

Friday, January 22, 2010

Good evening. Just a quick update as we just got home from the game dinner at church and are very tired. We did hear today the the first team was going in today thru the Dominican Republic. We are hoping to hear how they did tomorrow and what the plans are for us. We also did a radio interview on FLN this afternoon and have already had some very positive feedback. It seems that many people are searching for a way to help the Haitian people much like we were. It is humbling to be able to assist others in helping the people of Haiti. It is difficult being in a holding pattern but we know the Lord is in control and that it is in His timing.Our grandson Noah told us this evening that he did not want us to go but was ok when we told him we were going to help the children of Haiti that he has been praying for.

We appreciate your prayers. Please pray specifically for patience, boldness as we tell others as well as physical health. We are trying to get rest this weekend as we know the next couple of weeks will be very busy and stressful.


Tim and Cindy

If you have more questions and wish to reach us please email us at

Thursday, January 21, 2010

Good evening to all. We don't have a lot of new information about departure dates yet, but team 1 should be leaving soon.

Continue to pray for Pastor Pierre and his family. A little more information about Pastor Pierre for those who are wondering. He is the National Director for Campus Crusades in Haiti. He also Pastors a church in Haiti, and is a founder of Nehemiah Vision Ministries as previously noted.

We are going to be interviewed on FLN's Afternoon Show with Kurt and Gene tomorrow at 4pm. You can hear that at 103.1FM locally or on any of the other stations and translaters , or online at FLN.ORG.

We had a sweet blessing today from a family with several adopted children. The mom saw Tim Wednesday and he told her about going to Haiti and gave her our blog site. She looked it up at home and the family read the blog together. The children then told their mom that they wanted to help. They each gave up their allowance for a month along with their family fun money for a month and asked us to use it to help the people in Haiti. Those children came up with a total of $90.00!!! They enclosed it in a handmade card, which they all signed, and then insisted that mom bring it to us TODAY so we would be sure to have it in time! So, kids, we know you are following our blog, and THANK YOU VERY MUCH!! You are an inspiration!

Obviously funds are coming in and the word is getting out. Please continue to pray for physical, emotional and spiritual strength for all of us. Satan is up to his usual tricks, trying to discourage us. We are determined not to let him win. We just have to constantly remember that in the end GOD WINS!!!

Quick early morning update. The team going in this weekend is going in thru Santo Domingo and then will have a 6-8 hour bus ride into Haiti. Looking like this maybe the way we go next week.
Will let you know.

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Wednesday evening

Greetings all. We are still awaiting travel dates. We haven't had any updates on the situation in Haiti since this mornings second major earthquake (6.0 quake at about 6am). We would like you to have the web site for the mission we are going under so you can check them out. It is Things are going well on this end. Our funding is coming in, people are praying, and we are still committed to going. Still hoping to leave on or around the 30th.

We now know that we have a 50# per person baggage weight restriction that must include all personal items,carry on items and supplies including food. We will be eating lite! and wearing the same outfit often. We will have access to a laundry area at this point, unless the location we stay gets changed. At present the plan is for us to stay in the dorm rooms at Pastor Pierre's home if it remains standing after todays quake. Please pray for Pastor Pierre and his family as they will be separated for a time. His wife and children have returned to the states for safety reasons.

We also have a friend from work who will be travelling with us. Her name is E'Tienne York(pronounce her name a t n). She is also a registered nurse with a heart for children and missions. She has been on one other missions trip to Guatemala. She is from Canaseraga. She has completed her vaccinations, and is eagerly looking to get going as well.

That is all of the new information for now. As soon as we hear more you will see it here.

Sorry we didn't post last night but it was very busy. We still don't have a firm leave date but are still planning for the weekend of the Jan. 30th. Cindy will try and post more specific details tonight. For those of you who have been asking how you can help financially you can donate two ways. If you need a tax reciept send your donation to Avoca Baptist Church PO Box Q Avoca, NY 14809 with a note that it is for our Haiti trip. You also can donate direct to us at Tim and Cindy Peterson PO Box 165 Avoca, NY 14809. Thank you for your prayers and support.

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Jan. 20th. So yo have found our blog. We will try to at least update this once a day for the next couple of weeks so everyone knows what is going on. This journey began Sunday night at around 7:30. Apparently we had both been thinking of going to Haiti but we had not serioulsy discussed. Tim had spent Sunday looking at web sites without any real direction. Cindy had a friend send her a website Sunday for a group already in Haiti that was looking for volunteers. After looking at the website we sent out an email to them requesting more info and they responded within 30 minutes reqeusting us to leave on the 23rd. We replied that it was a little quick. The next morning they had again e-mailed us and asked if we could leave on the 30th with a medical team. Our reply was yes. Monday was busy with arranging work schedules and starting fund raising. We have been able to get the time off from work and now are waiting to make travel arrangements. We are tenatively leaving around the 30th. There is still difficulty with the airlines that has to be worked thru.

Many of you have already asked how you can help. The first thing is with prayer. We will need alot of it. We cannot do this on our own. 2nd is financial. Needless to say we weren't planning this trip in our budget. The cost is approximately $3000.00 Because of the quickness of this trip you can either donate to us or we are trying to get something set up thru church so that it can be tax deductible. Hopefully that will be worked out later today. We are also going to need medical supplies and will let you know what that is when we have a list. We will try to post again later today with more details and will include the website of the orphange and the group that we will be working with.
Tim and Cindy,.