Our Haitian Alarm Clock
Another beautiful day in Haiti. We started the morning off with Isaiah 55:8-9 “For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways,” declares the LORD. 9 “As the heavens are higher than the earth, so are my ways higher than your ways and my thoughts higher than your thoughts." This again reiterated to us that it doesn't matter how much we plan God has already made a plan for the day and it is the perfect plan.
We were able to go to Onneville this morning to spend the day doing a clinic. It is amazing that what was empty ground only 2 years ago now has several hundred thousand people living on it. We are seeing alot of new construction and alot clearing of brush for new homes. One thing we noticed right away in this camp is that the tents aren't right on top of each other and there seems to be planning and thought into the lay out of the camp. We also saw several new villages under construction which are laid out like row houses back home. Needless to say much smaller. For the most part we saw alot of the basic complaints today of headache, stomach ache etc. Dan and I did see a man who obviously had very advanced end stage cancer and there was nothing we could do. We gave him some tylenol but realized that it probably was only going to take the ache off. If we had been home we would have gotten something much stronger. Dan got to spend quite a bit of time with him and was able to pray with him before he left. Some of the other nurses got to pray with patients as well. Several people were referred back to the clinic for futher treatment. It is so nice now to be able to refer these people back to the clinic in Chambrun for follow up. One of the new things that they had us start today was that everyone we saw got a copy of the medical record that we did for them today. We placed it in a plastic bag and they were instructed to bring it back next time. The hope is that we can start having some continuity of care betweent the clinic and the medical teams that come down to work in the villages. Thanks Brooke for a great idea.
The team is really enjoying the staff here. They have all been great about helping and sharing ideas with us. E'Tienne and Brooke went to Onneville today and it was a great help as that gave us a reference point to make sure we were doing things the way that they wanted them done. The staff are doing well after yesterday and we are just amazed at the changes and improvements that have occured in just one short year. Below you will find some pictures of the day. We will let them do the rest of the talking.
Tim and Cindy for everyone.
It is so wonderful to read about your mission in Haiti. I looked forward to reading the blog everyday. I feel blessed to know such gracious people like Cindy and Tim. Though I don't know the rest of the team, I am sure that you are all an extension of each other. Thank you for your efforts in Haiti. God bless!