Isaiah 40:31 They that wait upon the Lord will renew their strength, they will mount up with wings as eagles, they will run and not be weary, they will walk and not faint.

Saturday, February 18, 2012


Saturday February 18, 2012

Packing and Spraying day.
We have spent today trying to get things organized and ready to go here at home. It always seems that there is more to do than we can ever hope to accomplish. Some of it just has to wait. The good news is that all of our clothes are sprayed and waiting to dry. We just finished packing the last of the med totes. We will be having lunch with the rest of the team tomorrow and packing the food, shoes and other odds and ends that we will be taking along. Our two living rooms look like a tornado has gone thru them with numerous totes and boxes everywhere. We always wonder if we are packing the right things to take. Our home has become a drop off point for everything from tents, and medical supplies to socks, underwear and an entire tote of sewing supplies including fabric and buttons. Unfortunately we can't take it all but always pray that we are taking what is needed for this particular trip. It is always interesting to get there and see how God has directed us to bring exactly what was needed for that trip.

Thru the generosity of a couple of young couples we have some baby formula and jars of baby food to take along with us this time. We were both just commenting on how thankful we were to have it. It always seems like Cindy takes care of alot of babies when we are there. Believe me she is not complaining about that. Her original desire after the quake was to be able to go to Haiti and love on the babies. It did hit both of us that the baby food we were taking was only a drop in a very large barrel of what is needed. But God already knows which babies need it the most.

We will try and post again tomorrow with a team picture and some information about each team member. It is exciting that 4 of those going with us also went last year and of course our "daughter" E'tienne is already there. She has actually been sending us back pictures of a wound that she is working on so that we can try and bring her the correct supplies to heal it up.

This is a picture of a mom and babies that Cindy took care of last time. Mom is 21 and weighed about 80 lbs. Dad had been killed in the earthquake. The babies looked pretty good because mom was taking care of them before herself. Cindy had the oppurtunity to go to her home. There was a small bed, a few clothes and one box of corn flakes. You want to know why we go back. Look no further.

Tim and Cindy

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