Isaiah 40:31 They that wait upon the Lord will renew their strength, they will mount up with wings as eagles, they will run and not be weary, they will walk and not faint.

Sunday, February 28, 2010


I have to blog on the tent situation in Haiti again. We received a response from Pastor Pierre today as to what we need to present to people in our presentation at our church next weekend. His reply was this. "The raining season seems to be starting early. People are getting wet from under the tarps. We urgently need tents in this city. People are so stressed when the weather look like rain is coming. Please note that we need as many tents as possible." So there you have it in his words. We really need to make an effort to get tents and get them soonest to Haiti.

Use your imagination for a minute. You are living in one of these tarp/sheet "shelters". They work ok for keeping off the sun, but now it's starting to rain. Hard. Every day. Nothing stays dry. Everything is always wet. You have no place to go that is out of the rain. The mosquito population is growing exponentially. People are getting sick from being constantly damp and wet. Life is getting harder. It wasn't easy to begin with. Now what do you do??? You pray for help. And pray some more. You really need a better shelter, but where will you get better shelter when you have nothing?? You are dependant on the benevolence of other people. Will they provide what you need?? When you need it??

We here in the States are blessed beyond description. We don't have to worry about shelter, food or water. If we don't have them, there are programs that will meet our needs, and quite quickly. The relief aid is still going on in Haiti, but the need is greater than the supply.

Please keep the people of Haiti in your prayers. They are a desperately needy people right now. Any little bit you can do will make a big difference to someone there. Remember that 100% of any funds donated to Nehemiah Vision Ministries goes directly to helping people in Haiti. Their staff is all volunteer, and not paid.

I wish I could do more to help in Haiti right now, but this is what I can do. I can pray. I can make needs known. I can pray. I can send what little I can to help make a difference. I can pray some more, because I have a heavenly Father who loves me and loves His children whatever country they may live in, and He hearts my prayers. HE can provide all our needs, but He can also use US to provide for the needs of others, and expects it of us. I know I'm getting preachy here, but I can't help myself.

So, please pray. And please do what you can. Even if it's only letting others know of the need. For those of you who have already donated tents...A thousands thanks!! If anyone else has a tent or tents to donate... let us know. We will figure out how to get them where they need to go to get them to Haiti. My email is

Serving the Savior,
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